Hector A. Barriga-Acosta


You are running right on schedule. --The Universe

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Technical Skills:


Work Experience

Mathematics and Statistics Instructor @ UNC Charlotte (September 2020 - Present)

Postdoctoral Fellow @ UNC Charlotte (September 2022 - Present)


(Dis)similarities of coffee shops in Paris, Manhattan, and Toronto

LinkedIn Post GitHub Code

Completed the “IBM Data Science with Python” certification including an extensive coursework in Data Science using Python and SQL. Used the Fourth Square app to collect venue data, and applied relational database in a cloud API. Performed data analytics and visualization. Used machine learning models to compar (dis)similarities of clusters of venues.

Statistics with R

GitHub Course

Used R and Microsoft Excel to built a Statistics comprehensive course for college students. Visualized and presented data, and applied statistical methods such as regression models and testing hypothesis.

Minimizing fee transactions in the Lightning Network

Joint collaboration in progress to minimized cost transactions in the scheme of lightning network of Bitcoin. Simulated models with prefabricated graphs using machine learning’s tools in Python. Implemented algorithms for model’s solution.

Lectures @ UNC Charlotte


  1. Barriga H., Kummerle C, Saraswathi S. Optimizing bitcoin lightning network. In Progress.
  2. Barriga H., Dow A. Disjoint local $\pi$-bases.In Progress
  3. Adams H., Adetowubo A., Barriga H. Homotopy types of torus grids. In Progress
  4. Barriga H., Brian W., Dow A. On Roitman’s principles MH and $\Delta$. Submitted to Israel Journal of Mathematics
  5. Barriga H., Dow A. On the weak pseudoradiality of CSC spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae 258 (2022): 249-264
  6. Barriga H., Gartside P. Box and nabla products that are $D$-spaces. Indagationes Mathematicae (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indag.2023.04.002
  7. Barriga H., Gartside P. Monotone normality and nabla-products. Fundamenta Mathematicae 254 (2021), 99-120
  8. Barriga H., Hernandez F. $\mathfrak{c}$-many types of a $\Psi$-space. Topology and Its Applications, 253 (2019), 1-6
  9. Barriga H., Morales I. Mathematical Memories of PCCM, 2017. Compilation of a sequence of lectures given by students and professors from the PCCM UNAM-UMSNH in 2017
  10. Barriga H., Hernandez F. On discretely generated box products. Topology and Its Applications, 210 (2016), 1-7

Also visit ArXiv: Hector Barriga Acosta